You may be wondering which programming language to learn if you’re trying to advance in your career or change careers entirely. After all, learning a language can take time and resources, so you want to make the best decision possible. You might questioning which best programming language for newbie to learn ? When making your decision, take into account....
When you want to learn to code, you must want to have a good experience of it. You want to learn step by step from the easiest one to the advanced one. But what if you wrong in taking programming language? Instead of creating good memory, you screw up your brain. Therefore, we list down the most....
A large number of software developers and engineers are self-employed or work as freelance developers. Some work for a single organization, and others do a variety of jobs for a variety of clients. Regardless of the direction they take, their financial security is depending on possessing the technological skills that employers need. The COVID-19 pandemic....
Either a website, a mobile app, or something else, the user interface is at the heart of product design. Although it should go without saying that user experience is critical to product design, many UX designers still have misconceptions about it and create beautifully not so user-friendly app. So, how to make UX that really engaged your customer? Check....
In recent years Python as a programming language has been widely discussed and used by both senior and novice developers. Python is known for its simplicity, quickness, and adaptability. Companies like Google, Spotify, Pinterest, and Instagram use Python to power their software, which is used by millions of people all over the world, from desktop....
The JavaScript environment is developing at a fast speed. As a freelance javascript developer you must keep updated. It’s difficult to keep up with all the repositories, systems, and strategies. However, you can see patterns and paths of movement within the industry. React.js, Vue.js, Svelte, Node.js, and Express.js will stay common in 2021, but some....
Let’s face it, being a freelance web developer has several big benefits. First of all, it can be done from about anywhere in the world or even from the comfort of your own home. You will have the right to set and monitor your own timetable, hourly rates and workflow. Last but not least, software....
Productivity is essential for a freelance web designer. Not only it will help you complete your project professionally which make your freelancing business run well. Productivity also will have good impact to your mind and body as well. So, freelance web designers must check this 12 top productivity tips, and it will be good to apply it. Freelance web designers....
Become an independent freelancer is same like having a business without tangible asset. Actually, freelancing is quite easy to start. You can start create your freelance profile on Flexgigzz or other freelancing platform and apply for the projects. However, if you have a certain target from your freelancing business you must manage it well. You can try....
If you have a plan to be a freelancer, either full time or part-time, and you must check this list of 5 Potential Highest Paying Freelance Jobs 2021. Without ignoring your passion you can use this list as your consideration. Maybe you have a passion for cooking and want to make money from it, you can....