Job Detail

Remote Image Specialist

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired
  • //

Project detail

Working with International & Variety of Customers – SelfMade’s customers are all based in the USA, predominantly in New York ranging from food seller, jewelry, cosmetic product, fashion and many more

Photo Retouching – You will retouch photo based on the instruction given by our customer for social media posting

Branding – You will shape the brand through image selection and retouching

Free Training – You will receive free in-class training from photoshop expert in Darshana with materials from the USA SelfMade team to prepare yourself in completing the task

Working Remotely – You don’t have to come to the office, you can work anytime, anywhere

What You Do Matters

In charge to create and execute photos creative editing

Ensure the images you edit alligned with clients’ visual guideline
Advanced Adobe Photoshop skill

Intermediate Branding skill

Experienced in Image Editing, specifically composite and .gif

Strong Creative Thinking capability

Based in Indonesia, preferably Jakarta (easy access to visit our office for the on-boarding session)

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project