Growing Business Sectors For Freelancers (Must Check!)

Growing Business Sectors For Freelancers  (Must Check!)

In 2020, 2 million jobs entered the freelance economy, especially during pandemic. The freelance sector has grown to annually produce $1.2 trillion in revenue. Younger generations of workers with 50 percent of Gen-Z and 44 percent of Millennials working independently. They are even more likely to engage in the freelance economy. So, here are Growing Business Sectors For Freelancers : 

Accounting, finance, and bookkeeping

According to a FlexJobs Freelance Economy survey. Accounting and finance are  one of the hottest freelance jobs for 2021. Over the next 10 years, the accounting sector is expected to increase by 6 percent. That because every organization requires the numerous services offered by a skilled financial professional. 

Every companies and projects need accounting

Customer service

The Covid-19 pandemic did not eliminate the need for good customer service. In fact  it makes much more relevant. This year, many businesses have focused more focus to their customer service departments. Although customer service roles have historically been full-time positions in a dedicated department. Currently businesses are increasingly looking to fill customer service needs with freelancers.

Digital marketing 

Marketing strategists receive up to a hundred thousand dollars. Many businesses search for their digital marketing needs outside of their full-time employees. There are around 22 percent of social media activity handled by outside talent.  

Search Engine Optimization, data analytics, branding or brand creation and web design are some highly sought-after skills in the online marketing space.


The pandemic gives hard impact on relationships and mental health. There are 34 percent of couples claiming that Covid-19 has made greater tension in their relationship. The increase burden of mental wellbeing and relationship due to COVID-19  creates opportunities for therapists and counselors. 

The growth of online therapy models  has also created more opportunities for therapists looking for freelance and contract opportunities. 

freelance therapy service

HR and Recruiting

There were already 43,000 HR consulting companies in  2019 who has made $25 billion in revenue. The advantage of an outside perspective is offered by freelancers in this area. That’s because recruitment work is not  can be done by a project or temporary basis. 

Many businesses turn to freelance recruiters who are professional in their skills. Besides that, they also concentrate on helping consumers locate talent to fulfil particular needs. 

Computers and IT

The IT sector is still a sector that sees some of the highest numbers of freelance job listings, according to FlexJobs results. In addition, cybersecurity jobs will be in extremely high demand. That because cybercrime has increased by 600 percent since the Covid-19 pandemic. Malware, ransomware attacks and network security breaches become more frequent and sophisticated. Therefore the demand for cybersecurity jobs will increase as well. 

Real Estate

Despite many of Covid-19’s financial difficulties, sales of existing homes reached a 14-year high as of September 2020. This is certain to boost the market for realtors, investors in real estate and other practitioners in real estate. Remote work is also expected to increase as a driving force in the real estate industry. 

So, what is your skill? You can start being a freelancer and post your freelance service on . You can also search project  and  remote/freelance jobs that fit your skill.   

Source : Forbes/ashleystahl  

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#Accounting #digital marketing #finance #Flexgigzz  #freelancers #iT #mentalhealth #programming #realestate #remotework #remoteworking #therapy