The coronavirus pandemic upended thousands of 2020 college graduates’ career plans last year in USA, so how does the job market for the class of 2021 look now? In a nutshell, there have been fewer prospects around the world in the last year, despite most business shifting to The Remote Work as The New Reality for....

The demand for recruiting freelancers has increased in recent months like never before in India. Because of the current state of uncertainty, companies appreciate the ability to meet a range of needs. That’s where freelance marketplaces become trend and creating the future of work. Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the workplace ethos has....
The software testing industry underwent major change in the year 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic compelled companies to go digital. The buzzword “digital transformation” accelerated digital transformation in 2020, causing people to migrate it to either an app or software to communicate with their users. Many businesses are moving from manual to automated testing in order....

With more Americans taking freelance careers full-time and Gen-Z workers turning to independent work because it’s hard to find jobs, freelancing is becoming a far more important contributor to the U.S. economy than in the past, according to new research. And with the pandemic keeping the majority of freelancers fully occupied, the growth shows no....

There has been a seismic shift in the job market as more Americans turn to freelancing during the pandemic. Over the last 12 months, their ranks have swelled to 59 million across a wide swath of industries. They now account for 39% of the U.S. workforce, according to UpWork, a global freelancing platform. The trend....

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced an unprecedented experiment with working from home. We estimate 45% of US workers were working from home at the 2020 pandemic peak. However, we shouldn’t assume that working from home will be the new normal, as history presents many episodes of disruptions on the scale of Covid-19 in which things eventually returned to....

When COVID-19 reared its deadly head at the start of the year, like many fellow Singaporeans, I lost my job. I was retrenched from my position in a travel company in April, shortly after global lockdowns started shuttering airports around the world. Being forced to leave a project that was, essentially, my brainchild was a....

Meeting your new colleagues and being shown around the office is a big part of starting a new job. Not only do you get to see where you’ll be spending most of your days, you also get to make first impressions with your team. But with many people working from home at the moment, starting....

There’s a saying going around these days: The future of work is now — put into overdrive by the pandemic that suddenly transformed millions into virtual workers. But the coronavirus has also accelerated a major shift to freelancing that’s severing ties between companies and employees. Two million Americans have started freelancing in the past 12....

With COVID-19 shredding whole sectors of Britain’s economy, certainty and predictability have gone out the window. If you find yourself being either furloughed or sent to work from home, now is the time to seriously explore Freelancing as a viable option. Business confidence is collapsing and unemployment and chronic underemployment are on the rise. Employers....