
The Remote Work, The New Reality for Pandemic Era That Fresh Grads Must Prepare For

The coronavirus pandemic upended thousands of 2020 college graduates’ career plans last year in USA, so how does the job market for the class of 2021 look now? In a nutshell, there have been fewer prospects around the world in the last year, despite most business shifting to The Remote Work as The New Reality for....

5 Disadvantages for Working Remotely as A Software Developers

Software developers that work remotely can face several challenges due to lack of resources and other items relative to those provided at the office. Yet, there’s a way to where there’s a will. For all the obstacles that software developers can face remotely, we have provided you with realistic ways to try to battle them....

What is Liquid Workforce and Why More Companies Engage in it?

Liquid Workforce “Liquid workforce” comes from Accenture in a 2016 report describing the growing trend of freelance workers in the marketplace. Since Accenture published the report, the number of freelancers has continued to grow. A report from Upwork and Freelancers Union estimates that 57 million people worked freelance this year (an increase of 4 million since 2014) and contributed....

90% Of Workers Prefer to Keep Work from Home

Almost nine out of 10 workers or 90% want to choose whether to work from home or the office. Once the Covid-19 pandemic is over, and workplace restrictions ease. Workers want to have more autonomy for their hours by working from home, according to research from Cisco Systems. The research showed, two-thirds of workers developing a....

Pandemic Triggers Freelance Booming in US

With more Americans taking freelance careers full-time and Gen-Z workers turning to independent work because it’s hard to find jobs, freelancing is becoming a far more important contributor to the U.S. economy than in the past, according to new research. And with the pandemic keeping the majority of freelancers fully occupied, the growth shows no....

More Freelance Jobs in the Pandemic and The Trend will Continue

There’s a saying going around these days: The future of work is now — put into overdrive by the pandemic that suddenly transformed millions into virtual workers. But the coronavirus has also accelerated a major shift to freelancing that’s severing ties between companies and employees.  Two million Americans have started freelancing in the past 12....