
Tips From an Entrepreneur Who Has Hired Freelancers for $1 Million 

Erik Bergman is an Entrepreneur Who has hired freelancers. He is the co-founder of Catena Media and founder of Erik has paid over $1 million to all of the freelancers he has employed over the years. In reality, his most recent project is a totally remote company that works with digital freelancers from all....

Women Freelancers Who Lead in Entrepreneurship Digitally

Three women are running similar but different businesses, ranging from technology to virtual assistant, but their missions are very similar. As Women’s History Month comes to an end, Flexgiggz is pleased to highlight three female entrepreneurs who own and operate businesses in very different industries. These women are strong, inspired, and incredibly supportive of one....

5 Remote Work Things that Company Must Know  

Before 2020, remote work seems only for digital and start up business. Things become different when the pandemic strike the world, makes each business must facing digital transformation for remote work.  So, here are the 5 Remote Work Things that Company Must Know, to make your remote team work with fun and efficient. According to a....

From an Independent Freelancer To have a Freelancer Agency

If you are a freelancer and have good networking with other freelancers, perhaps you have this idea to make a freelancer agency.  Building a freelance agency might appeals you. If you are making the decision between a business that relies on you as the primary person. And one that instead relies on a team of....

Freelancers with a technological profile increase their volume of work in the midst of a crisis

Although freelancers are self-employed, little by little they are practically managing to become a group with their own entity with characteristics that differentiate them from other profiles such as entrepreneurs and businessmen , although deep down all freelancers are also an entrepreneur who is in charge of their deal. That these professionals are different is something that we have....