
You can become A Virtual Assistant and Earn a Good Income

Cold war is over! You don’t need to go out and get a 9 to 5 job in an office and married with a one job only.  Also, you don’t need to waste your time in a horrible 2-hour commute every day.  Because you can try to be a freelance virtual assistant.  Becoming a freelance remote....

Impact of Remote Work on The National Economy

Long before the coronavirus hit, many people worked from outside offices. There is a new report that looks at pre-pandemic remote-work data. The result is found that allowing off-site work could be a way to direct wealth away from the 15 most expensive U.S.  metro cities. In big cities most jobs and opportunity have been....

When Remote Working  Reshapes The  New World Of Work

COVID-19 struck fast and hard. And most of us had to hit the ground running to accommodate our attitudes and habits as we started working from home. Sharat Sharan, CEO, President, and Co-Founder of ON24 described it as a tsunami, “While we could see it coming, once it hit, the pandemic changed business overnight. And when a....

Tips To Take A Freelance Job Without Disturbing Your Full-Time Job.

How can you do your side hustle, still hold down your full-time position, and avoid pissing off the people who pay your paycheck? Here are seven tips that will help you take home more cash while still keeping your boss happy and building a stronger foundation for your career. 1. Check Your Contract Nobody likes sifting....

The World Trend After Pandemic: Remote Working

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced an unprecedented experiment with working from home. We estimate 45% of US workers were working from home at the 2020 pandemic peak. However, we shouldn’t assume that working from home will be the new normal, as history presents many episodes of disruptions on the scale of Covid-19 in which things eventually returned to....

Staffs Are Feeling The Heat As Bosses Ramp Up Remote Monitoring

For many, one of the silver linings of lockdown was the shift to remote working: a chance to avoid the crushing commute, supermarket meal deals and an overbearing boss breathing down your neck.  But as the Covid crisis continues, and more and more employers postpone or cancel plans for a return to the office, some....

Why Delegation is Crucial in the Gig Economy ?

In my own life, I’ve seen massive shifts in delegation since I began to engage regularly with freelancers. I get more done, and the projects benefit from the contributions of experts. I also get to spend more time with my family, doing things we all enjoy. I also spend a lot of my time writing....

Freelancers with a technological profile increase their volume of work in the midst of a crisis

Although freelancers are self-employed, little by little they are practically managing to become a group with their own entity with characteristics that differentiate them from other profiles such as entrepreneurs and businessmen , although deep down all freelancers are also an entrepreneur who is in charge of their deal. That these professionals are different is something that we have....

Photography As A Career

“I am scared that my father won’t allow me to be a photographer.” – Uncountable Farhans while cramming the lessons of engineering or medical fail to embrace their passion into profession. With the boom in advertising, media and fashion industry, Photography from a mere hobby, is emerging as a lucrative career choice among all age....