
When Remote Working  Reshapes The  New World Of Work

COVID-19 struck fast and hard. And most of us had to hit the ground running to accommodate our attitudes and habits as we started working from home. Sharat Sharan, CEO, President, and Co-Founder of ON24 described it as a tsunami, “While we could see it coming, once it hit, the pandemic changed business overnight. And when a....

The World Trend After Pandemic: Remote Working

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced an unprecedented experiment with working from home. We estimate 45% of US workers were working from home at the 2020 pandemic peak. However, we shouldn’t assume that working from home will be the new normal, as history presents many episodes of disruptions on the scale of Covid-19 in which things eventually returned to....

Staffs Are Feeling The Heat As Bosses Ramp Up Remote Monitoring

For many, one of the silver linings of lockdown was the shift to remote working: a chance to avoid the crushing commute, supermarket meal deals and an overbearing boss breathing down your neck.  But as the Covid crisis continues, and more and more employers postpone or cancel plans for a return to the office, some....

Four ways to develop soft skills as a freelancer

For some professionals, freelance is a source of extra income. Others dedicate themselves exclusively to it, either as an alternative to unemployment or the search for a more flexible routine. But, like job seekers, freelancers should not be limited to technical skills. It is necessary to improve soft skills . Knowing how to communicate well, manage your time, collaborate and prioritize tasks,....


New figures released today by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed that employment in the UK has fallen by as much as 220,000 – the largest such rise since 2009. Research from The Future Strategy Club, has found that 29% of business leaders have already streamlined their teams during the pandemic and, in many cases,....

Work from Home (WFH) is the Future Here is Why

Covid-19  has opened eyes to many corporations that Working from Home (WFH) is not an impossible thing to apply.  Besides that many employees have experienced the benefit of WFH during the lockdown.   When it is time for the “new normal” and employees must go back to the office many of them feel reluctant, one of the reasons is....

Gig Economy as Global Trend

Within 10 years, freelancers will account for more than 50 percent of the U.S. working population. What are the implications for consumer cultures and corporate ones?  Shifting demographics, digitalization and the demand for greater job satisfaction could turn the global employment environment into a freelance-driven model in the coming years, bringing benefits and challenges to businesses, the....

Remote Working is Changing the Future of Working Environment 

COVID-19 struck hard as we started to work from home, most of us had to hit the running ground to accommodate our attitudes and habits. And when there’s a situation like this, the pace of business is totally different. Weeks tend to feel like months in uncertain situation.   In these constraints, business leaders needed to....

How the Gig Economy Reshape Careers for the Next Generation?

The word “gig economy” became popular at the height of the financial crisis of 2008-2009, task-based labour has grown and has become an important factor in the overall economy. The idea of receiving money from short-term activities has long been around.  The gig economy is very broad, and includes workers who are full-time independent contractors (for example,....